Jul 052012


Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone had an enjoyable July 1st in Canada & July 4rth in the USA. I finally went to my parent’s fishing cabin which they have had for 5 years. Went for one day with wife, sister in law and her son. I caught the monster northern pike shown, 38.5″ & 14 lbs!! Not bad for not having gone fishing in two years.

My dad caught a 34″ and 9 year old nephew caught a 29.5″. He caught 6 total and was very happy for his second time fishing.

I am working on editing a hundred plus pictures of the Concept 4 air rifle. I should have some additional pages set up next week and will post an update here when I do. Shoots very well, .22 cal at 730 FPS with 1400 psi regulator!

Thanks for visiting! ~ Pedro

May 082012

Recently added a few pictures to Mr. Cerdan’s second page. I am trying to finish off all the wood parts for my own airguns and complete the build.

I will be adding more pages to the Concept 4 build to show the wood finishing along with polishing the parts. It has been a lot of work completing the rifles. Still need to source a second air tank and may even try an Air Force tank on it but will need to machine an adaptor.

Bear with me a few more weeks and I will get some pictures and web pages updated. Below are a few pictures of the wood so far, they are not stained it is a trick to see the grain and dries back to dull wood. It gives an idea how the finished wood will appear. Thanks for visiting.



Concept 4 More Progress

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Nov 202010

Today I made the striker knob and the bolt knob. I was also able to start on the wood forearm stock. Starting to look like a real rifle. I forgot to get the aluminum to create the butt stock but didn’t have time regardless it was my dad’s birthday today so went their for supper.

I hope to do some shooting soon to see how this airgun performs.

Nov 072010

After a very frustrating morning, I was finally able to get to the shop to work on the air rifles. I managed to get one of the rifles to fire by 8pm. On valve is leaking so have to work on that. Valves either work or leak and finding the perfect combination is tricky it seems. I realize now I should have made the valve a 2 piece design.

I worked on the triggers and sear. I had some springs but they are to weak and will have to get some heavier springs to make the trigger and sear engage more consistently.

Below is a video showing a few shots and first pellet shot. I will add to the web page when I can as I have many pictures to add from last 2 weeks of working on this project. The rubber bands are holding 1/8 drill bits in place to locate the trigger and sear and kept falling out otherwise.

Next few weeks will be focusing on the final machining and assembly as I can. Thus far a very mild fall here in Manitoba, but the snow and extreme cold are going to pounce on us very soon!

Comments, please feel to tell me what you think. Thanks for visiting the website. ~ Pedro

Concept 4 – Buckley inspired rifle

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Nov 042010

I have been able to do some work on the Buckley inspired reservoir airguns I am building. I have finished machining the valves, hammer and now need to make the triggers and sear. Hoping to have this completed on Saturday Nov 6th and should be able to test fire shortly there after. I will update the pages next week when I get a chance.

Oct 132010

I was able to do more work on the rifles I am building this past Monday. I hope to do more later this week and will post the pictures I have taken at that time. I have mounted the valve body on the action block and now need to start on the inner workings of the action. The hammer, trigger, sear, bolt and valve parts need to built. Barrel is ready to be mounted and waiting till all parts are completed for firing before this is done. The tight fit between the barrel and action will help ensure accuracy and do not want to take out the barrel to often and ruin the fit.

Schaefer – Side Lever Added Pics

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Jul 052010

I added a few pictures that Mr. Schaefer had sent me awhile ago.


Looks like a great rifle build and that Mr. Schaefer has been very busy building rifles recently. Check out his builds on youtube. Follows the video on the page 4.

Concept 4 – Trigger Guard and Action Block

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Jul 042010

I finally got a chance to work a little on the concept 4 rifle. Please checkout the page below to see some updated pictures.


I hope to do more in a few weeks. Going on 4 days of holidays this coming weekend and then hopefully be able to work a few evenings. I hope to be able to finish these rifles before the fall season.

Happy New Year – First Post of the Year

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Jan 142010

Hello Everyone!

Firstly hope everyone’s New Year is off to a good start. I am way behind in posting. Mostly due to having the flu for the entire two weeks over the holiday season. I was very dissappointed that I wasn’t able to do any airgun related building during that time. Instead, I spent most of my time in bed and missed out on all family gatherings and good food. Looking back now, to have our health is a blessing. That blessing comes from God!

Concept 4 – Project

I did get four tank adaptors/valves made by another company. I will post a new page soon with pictures of the stainless, cnc machines parts. Parts still need some work. I had an idea to change the design of the valve and may try to implement a different valve on one rifle to see if the valve design will be feasible.


Hughes – Buckley Airgun

I received an email today from a Mr. Hughes in the UK. He has built a rifle using Buckley’s design. Looks really nice in my opinion.  I will create a page for all his pictures soon. Below is a picture of the gun.  Mr. Hughes is working on another 25 shot repeater and it will be done early spring. I am looking forward to viewing the rifle and hope he will allow it to be posted here for all to enjoy.


Sweden – Bullpup

Our friend in Sweden, Mr. Schaefer has been quietly building a bullpup rifle. He recently sent me some images and will post a new page when I can. He again sent some building pictures and will post for all to enjoy.


Schaefer’s bullpup looks inspired by Buckley’s design. The reservoir design allows for many variations of building this rifle. Airtank can be in the back or front. The  hammer can open valve either  direction pending design and placement of the air hole opening.

I hope to be able to accomplish a lot of updates in the next two weeks. I have been working on a design for another company in the evenings so my time is limited. Hoping to wrap up that project and get focused all my projects.  Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment or email. ~ Pedro