Jan 242013

Last year I completed the Buckley inspired rifle and I was hoping to get a chance to increase the feet per second (FPS) on the custom airgun. Earlier this week I set up my chrony and the resulting average was 716 fps with a .22, 14.3 Crosman Hollowpoint pellet.

Taking the gun apart I drilled all the 1/8″ air feed holes up to 3/16″. Resulting velocity increased to a three shot average of 749.

From there I removed the hammer spring and place a 1/4-20 hex nut behind it for a little more preload. Three shot averaged 796 FPS and highest was 805 FPS.

Energy produced prior was 16.4 fpe and 20.5 fpe with the changes. Hoping to increase the FPS to around 900 if feasible.

Calculating the changes with percentages it works out to 12.5 increase in velocity and a 25 percent increase in power!



Given these results I worked out the power at 900 FPS would result in power of 25 fpe. So that will be the goal for spring.

Thanks for reading.

Jul 102012

I have spent last few evenings editing pictures and webpages. Created 4 new pages showing off all the remaining building of this airgun.

Hope others enjoy seeing the build as much as I enjoyed making the airgun. Lots of pictures and left them rather large, be patient while pages load.

I have linked all the pages so navigation should be rather easy from page to page. I welcome all comments regarding this air rifle.

airgundevelopment index

Link will tale you to the website and all links are under the Current Airgun heading.

 Posted by at 10:27 PM
Jul 072012

I took the time to work on some pages to finish off the airgun project and show everyone the results. Still need to fine tune the rifles but they are fun to shoot and will be spending the summer doing that.

Concept 4 Page 8 http://airgundevelopment.com/concept4pg8.html

Concept 4 Page 9 http://airgundevelopment.com/concept4pg9.html

I have lots of pictures and didn’t both with the thumbnail as it is to much editing. I made all pictures 800X600 pixels so most can load fairly quickly.
About another 50 pictures coming along with the finshed pictures of the rifle.

 Posted by at 5:17 PM
Jul 052012


Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone had an enjoyable July 1st in Canada & July 4rth in the USA. I finally went to my parent’s fishing cabin which they have had for 5 years. Went for one day with wife, sister in law and her son. I caught the monster northern pike shown, 38.5″ & 14 lbs!! Not bad for not having gone fishing in two years.

My dad caught a 34″ and 9 year old nephew caught a 29.5″. He caught 6 total and was very happy for his second time fishing.

I am working on editing a hundred plus pictures of the Concept 4 air rifle. I should have some additional pages set up next week and will post an update here when I do. Shoots very well, .22 cal at 730 FPS with 1400 psi regulator!

Thanks for visiting! ~ Pedro

May 082012

Recently added a few pictures to Mr. Cerdan’s second page. I am trying to finish off all the wood parts for my own airguns and complete the build.

I will be adding more pages to the Concept 4 build to show the wood finishing along with polishing the parts. It has been a lot of work completing the rifles. Still need to source a second air tank and may even try an Air Force tank on it but will need to machine an adaptor.

Bear with me a few more weeks and I will get some pictures and web pages updated. Below are a few pictures of the wood so far, they are not stained it is a trick to see the grain and dries back to dull wood. It gives an idea how the finished wood will appear. Thanks for visiting.



Concept 4 – Buckley Reservior Build – Update April 12, 2012

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Apr 122012

Been working trying to complete my two airguns. Spent a few evenings and the Saturday two weeks ago making new valves and polishing up the aluminum and brass parts.

I had wanted to do a lot this last week but was out with the flu for most of it. Missed one day of work and suffered through the rest of it.

I machined the valves long ago and they never did seal properly with the design I used. Went back to a tapered design and now the valves seal really well. Valves hold air for a long time rather than only a day.

The grip was to thick and I ended up machining off a 1/4″ on the aluminum and thinning the grips to suit my hand. Could make the grip even smaller but want to start bigger and work my way down.

Hoping to do more sanding and do the rest of the wood work next week for the remaining rifle. Then try to finish the walnut with linseed oil, never used it before so will see how the wood will turn out. Hoping to have the rifles completed before summer starts.

Performed a chrony on the rifles and the design looks promising for .22 cal pellets. I need to tune them a little as they are very close to 500 FPS, and I think I can get 800 to 850 FPS out of them but will see what the 1400 PSI regulator allows. I may need to purchase the 2800 PSI regulator & tank combo. Having said that, I may or may not have to register the airguns with Fire Arms Canada pending on what happens to the long gun registry.

Heres a few pics… ~Pedro

 Posted by at 8:39 PM
Mar 262012

Started working on my “Concept 4” to hopefully finish them off for summer. I need to finish off a few projects before I jump on to many more.

Did some work on the grips these evening. Last week I made the aluminum handle a little thinner. Still have to do more filing to make it feel better in my hands. Airgun is fairly light and should be fun to shoot when complete.

Here is a quick video firing two shots.

 Posted by at 10:40 PM

Concept 4 – Buckley Rifle Stock

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Dec 112010

Two weeks ago I got around to making the stock arm and mounting it the the grip. Going to shape some pine until I feel the butt stock will be comfortable enough and then make out of walnut.

Over the holidays I hope to polish, serial number and completly finish the two rifles.

I still need to rebuild the valve on the one rifle and I may try to improve both as I find that they seem to be leaking while sitting under pressure. Thanks for visiting the site! ~Pedro

 Posted by at 3:59 PM

Buckley “Concept 4” Airgun Target Groups

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Nov 272010

Here are a few videos of some target shooting I did this morning. Nothing to impressive as I could only get 30 feet away. But at least it was indoors. -16 C this morning.

Another picture of the rifle in its current state.
Concept 4 - Buckley Airgun

Here is the first real groups after sighting in the scope. Used my B-Sqaure scope.

The videos are edited, I cannot load and shoot that fast with a single shot rifle. Here are more grouping shot this morning.

More to come when I have time. Need to finish the butt stock and then the handles. Will be awhile now before I continue, winter has approached! Thanks ~ Pedro

 Posted by at 5:38 PM

Concept 4 More Progress

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Nov 202010

Today I made the striker knob and the bolt knob. I was also able to start on the wood forearm stock. Starting to look like a real rifle. I forgot to get the aluminum to create the butt stock but didn’t have time regardless it was my dad’s birthday today so went their for supper.

I hope to do some shooting soon to see how this airgun performs.