
Jul 032021

Hello, it is with a grieving heart that I share the passing of my wife yesterday July 2, at 10:40am. I am thankful that I could be at her side. June 11 she had surgery to reroute her intestines into a colostomy. Her having fought cancer for the last 2.5 years, all the meds and complications progressively made things worse. She was recovering well after the last surgery but last weekend she started to decline. Another infection had started and her decline went quickly.

This past week she was mostly sleeping and the last real conversation we had was Monday. The rest of the days was slight moans of “yes”. Yesterday morning she had enough clarity to answer “yes” to pain, and comfort, the two days previous there had been no response.

Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts for us. She is with her Lord and Saviour now and will enjoy eternity in heaven. We will meet again.

Thank you,


 Posted by at 9:14 AM
Apr 112021


Since the last update things have slowly progressed worse for my wife. She spent a week in the hospital in late January with a fractured tailbone and then spent Feb 14 to March 15th in the hospital due to infections in her intestines along with abscesses. Most was cleared up with antibiotics and surgery wasn’t required, but always a last resort if things wouldn’t heal up.

It has been a month that she is home and we have homecare twice daily, which helps. Her mobility suffers and has to use a walker to keep from falling. Her morphine is a very high dose to keep the pain at bay. I wake at 3 am to help her move in the bed, otherwise she is stuck in the same position for the night. That is where things are for now. Will update again when things change. Doctors are still unclear as to how long she has, could be weeks or it could be months.


I did manage to complete two more videos earlier this year. Unfortunately, I currently do not have much time to work on the airguns as wife’s care takes up much of the day. I do hope to make some progress on the .308 and also complete another “Concept 4” that I built 8 years ago. Will see what the next few weeks or months allows.

Thanks for checking in!


Jan 082021

Hello Airgun Enthusiasts!

Appreciate each and everyone who visits my site! I love building and shooting air rifles but I haven’t been able to do much these last few months.

The biggest reason is my wife’s cancer as I previously posted. She hasn’t improved since the last update. Her mobility is suffering and has been on pain killers for over a month due to severe pain in the hips.

Donate Button – I have created a donate button on the home page. Mostly due to not being able to monetize my site and Google AdSense is not allowed on “gun building” websites due to Google guidelines that prohibit them.

I haven’t worked in 7 months, and likely will not work until my wife passes as the cancer is terminal.

In order to continue with hobbies I am asking visitors to consider donating a little to assist me with buying materials, shop supplies etc.

Content Videos – I am waiting to hear back from Patreon whether or not I can host air rifle building content on their platform. I have also created a few YouTube videos that will be linked to their respective build pages. Again, many guidelines to jump through. I have to respect their guidelines and looking for other avenues.

A few new videos are:

Thank you again for visiting. I hope to slowly get back into creating content and keep building air rifles!


 Posted by at 4:45 PM
Oct 042020

Thought I would provide an update for my wife’s condition. Cannot believe its been 3 months, going on 4.

A lot of up and downs in the last few weeks. She was on a steroid since June, and was to be tapered off but doctors missed it. Side affects are retaining water, her ankles and legs were swollen, her mobility suffered. Doctors finally are tapering it off and her walking has improved. Had many tests last few months. Recent CT scan shows no new tumors growing (at this point) but she had bad pain last week. The CT scan did show severe blood clotting in her lungs so we were told to visit ER immediately. She is on blood thinners now and antibiotics.

We meet with the oncologist next week as chemo might be use once more to improve her quality of life. Her cancer is metastatic and slowly spreading. The tumors in her brain have shrunk from radiation, but always risk of more forming. She forgets words, and where I am at times etc. I asked our local cancer doctor about he initial ER doctors prognosis and she said not to go by that as they really do not know. He had said she has 6 to 12 months.

So we take things day by day. Some days are long. We are hoping another treatment would at least allow her to be more mobile and feel “better” so she can go out and enjoy the time she has left. Being stuck in bed or a chair all day is no life.

Needless to say I am not building, shooting or much during this time. Thanks for visiting the site!


 Posted by at 7:58 PM
Jun 022020

So last few weeks my wife has been feeling off. Shooting pains into her head that only last a few seconds. Her balance feeling off among other things. We scheduled a doctor visit (over phone consultation due to covid) but things were increasingly more painful. My wife had gone through ovarian cancer last year, 18 weeks of chemo once a 1 week and we thought all was good.

Last week, May 28th, I took her to ER as her pain in the morning had increased. After waiting, and waiting, seeing a doctor who said all looked normal, he ordered a CT Scan due to my wife’s history with cancer.

My wife said when he came back he didn’t have to say much as she could see it in his eyes. His demeanor had change and she told him, you can come in and tell me, I went through this all last year.

Well her cancer is back and has metastasized. Along with forming two tumors in her brain. Doctors figure she has mayby 6 months to a year. Maybe less, maybe more, they do not know.

So with that starts all sorts of appointments again and waiting for them. Needless to say I will once again be delaying anything related to air rifles. I still hope to complete a few more pages on the .308 build but will see how things progress. I am only alloted so much time to be off as a caregiver and eventually compassionate care so we choose for me to work as much as I could now as I will need the time off later.

Thanks all who visit the site. My posts will be random as I can make time or even have time.

~ Pedro

 Posted by at 8:51 PM
May 242020

I completed page 3 of my .308 airgun build. I also added the disclosure page and two previous pages on molds that I had missed.

More pages to come regarding testing the .308 big bore. I was able to get a few shots May 23, 2020 and need to make some adjustments.

Thanks for stopping by ~Pedro

May 152020

This morning I started to look through picture and create the webpage for the .308 air rifle I am building. It is modeled after the Airforce Airgun’s 45 caliber Texan. Been a long process to get the rifle as far as it is now. Many life interruptions have halted the project.

Due to the covid 19 outbreak my work is slow and down to 3 working days a week. This allows for more time for projects at home and decided it was time to once again tackle this project and to do some actual airgun shooting.

I have setup the new page on the Airgun Projects menu. Page 1 is complete. You can visit the page here…

Thanks for stopping by. ~Pedro

May 092020

I spent almost all day Friday and Today (Saturday) discerning the code to create a drop down menu that would be adequate for mobile devices. I am hoping that the new menu will make the site more user friendly.

Now I can focus back on the .308 build that I haven’t posted. I will try to get up some posts in the next few days. All new content will be posted here so that visitors are aware. Check out the site

Thanks ~ Pedro

May 082020

Over the course of this week I have been working at updating the airgundevelopment website. It has been a long while since I have posted and forgot much of the coding. Thankfully some of it comes back as you stumble along. Created a navigation menu which was lacking. Also have incorporated some coding to make the site a little more mobile friendly.

I can only do so much as to hire a professional is to expensive. So over the next few weeks expect a few things to change as you visit the site. I do hope to add a few new pages to highlight my latest .308 build.

Comments or suggestions are welcome.

Thanks ~ Pedro